Sunday, May 17, 2009

'Dragonfly' by Marlonski QUBIQ Edit

Check out more Marlonski here. What do you make of this video and song? Good, bad? definitely not your type of music, or exactly your type of music? As for QUBIQ. I presume he mixed Marlonski's tune? I think he may be from Phoenix, Arizona. And from the video I guess Marlonski hangs out in Berlin. This whole connection came from the nice people over at CryAndBeFree. As for who the guy is in the video... is it Marlonski, or is it Qubiq? Well, the video is set in Berlin so you would be right to guess it is indeed Marlonski. You can see a photo of him here, with the famous film actress Tilda Swinton... I'm impressed!

1 comment:

Marlonski said...

Hi, thanks for blogging. Yes, it's me in the Video and Qubiq did the mix :-)